Children – God’s Bridge to the Family

We have returned to the Tech Camp and with it, we are discovering new things. Something we are eager to share is what has been achieved through these Camps in Rio Bravo.

It has been an extraordinary experience to see the ability of children to learn about all these technological tools but even more inspiring is seeing how they manage to understand the Bible through the lessons that we have taught.

Many times we doubt the abilities of the little ones to understand the word of God. However, if there is one thing that we have understood more than anything is the impact that children can have. This is the reason Jesus taught his followers about the importance of children being embraced by the Church. The most impressive sight is not only seeing how they understand everything that we teach them, but when they get home they talk with their family about all these stories. When they share the word of God at home they reach parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, and so many others that we would not be able to reach in the same way. They receive the Lord in their homes, which develops the community of faith that builds up the church.

It is a beautiful experience, to see how God extends the impact of the ministry in so many ways that we never imagined.

“But Jesus said: Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 19:14

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