Frequent questions

Question: How do I access the courses?
Answer: Fill out the course download request form and we will contact you quickly to help you download the courses

Question: Do I have to have high speed internet to offer these courses?
Answer: You only need high-speed Internet for the initial download. You can download course content and supporting programs to one main computer and then transfer it to additional computers via USB. Our goal in designing these courses is to make them available without constant high-speed internet.

Question: What type of computer equipment do I need for a student taking the course?
Answer: A Windows or Apple computer with at least 4GB of RAM and at least 15GB of available storage space is recommended. At this time, Chromebooks and tablets are not supported.

Question: How does this teaching material help children learn about Christ?
Answer: Our goal is for it to be a tool to connect with students and build relationships through a unique format of learning and education.

Question: Do I need to be a computer programmer or video editor in order to teach the courses?
Answer: No. It is easy to learn any of the tools just by following the provided videos. We also provide detailed PowerPoint and PDF presentations for each course session which also includes a teacher's guide. The less familiar you are with these technologies, the more time you'll need to prepare, but anyone with a computer and basic computer skills can easily do this.

Question: Do you offer support for the courses?
Answer: Yes, we do. We are available through a Facebook, Skype, Whatsapp and Zoom support group. We are happy to help and support you as needed. Fill out our course support form to get in touch with us.

Question: Are you available to come and facilitate a tech camp?
Answer: Yes, we are and please contact us to discuss the options and what your needs are.

Question: Are you planning more courses?
Answer: Yes, we are also planning to create courses focused on graphic arts and animation.

Question: Do I have to do all the sessions of the courses? What if I have limited time with students?
Answer: You can easily pick and choose a logical progression of sessions to complete in a shorter period of time than the full course would require. We've done this successfully in various tech camp settings with time to about 3 days.

Question: What if my students have never used a computer before?
Answer: We have found that this is not a barrier to getting started. It is only important to know what to enter the course and allow time to become familiar with using a mouse or trackpad. Young children can quickly learn this technology, and its graphical interfaces make it very easy for children to learn.

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