Last Sunday we culminated with our fourth Tech Camp in our Church and as always we decided to have an end-of-course graduation, this year we wanted to make it a little bigger than we used to in order to invite the parents of each one of our students, it was a unique opportunity for parents to see the work of their children and see how they had grown in knowledge about our Technological subjects.
This year we also wanted to make an effort to give a prize to the first and second place in our camp, this in order to motivate our students, and I must say that the competition was quite difficult since everyone really wanted to achieve first place.
Our second place is a great example for this ministry, since “Mateo” is an 8-year-old boy, one of our students who has 3 technological camps and who had always wanted to be in the first places, this year we saw how he made a great effort way in all the aspects that we qualified, he even improved a lot in Programming and with this we realize that there really are no limits when you propose it and make an effort. He stood out above other older children and not because the others were not good, the competition is very even, but Mateo set out and achieved it, reaching his first award.
Our First place was a new Achievement, since it obtained the highest possible Qualification, our student “Natalia” who had also been present in the past camps, she had already managed to be in the first places, but this is the first time that is in First Place, demonstrating not only how much she had improved in our classes, but also that she became a student who supported her classmates in the exercises.
And thanks to this event we were able to invite the parents and relatives of our students, allowing us to present the work of their children and, more importantly, to present the message of Jesus.
We are very happy with the achievements of our students and even more to be able to have the opportunity to carry the message of God through this wonderful ministry.